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  Editor's Bookshelf
XBRL for Dummies


With the recent mandate by the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding the application of XBRL, knowing how to use this business reporting language is now a primary business imperative.

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Now Is the Time for Secure DNS Infoblox_Barirani1jpg
Arya Barirani
Vice President of Product Marketing

The Domain Name System (DNS) is critical network infrastructure; without DNS the Internet can’t function. This universal need for DNS hasn’t escaped the notice of cybercriminals, and today DNS attacks are one of the fastest-growing threat vectors.

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 > Rapid Data Extraction in the Field
 > Enhanced Finance Controls
 > You Can Own the Infrastructure of a Country
 > SIEM Solutions Don’t Reduce Security Incidents
 > PCI Guidance On Security Awareness Programs on the Mark
 > Internal Audit Case Study Competition
 > Stem the Onslaught of System Wide Attacks
 > Exploring Strong Investor Confidence in U.S. Stock Exchanges
 > Digital Forensics Takes The Next Step
 > BlackLine Recognized in Enhanced Finance
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 > Are You Still Auditing in Excel?
 > The Unpaid Summer Intern that Could Cost You Millions
 > Whistleblower to Receive Over $17 Million
 > Worn on the Sleeve
 > How CIOs Can Drive Innovation
 > Five Steps to Fighting Fraud with Professional Skepticism
 > How to Leverage Brand Intelligence for Fraud Management
 > SEC Conflict Minerals Rule Conjures Up Controversy
 > SEC Provides Guidance on CyberSecurity Reviews
 > Are Your Employees Sabotaging Your Company’s Accountability?
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Rights Structure as a Living Entity
Dean Wiech
Managing Director

Many organizations are seeing that some degree of contamination creeps into the rights structure of their file system, possibly because of technical contamination resulting from changes in the server on which the system runs (switching from Novell to NT4 then to Windows 2003 and on to Windows 2008, etc.), or it could also be the result of changes in the organization when IT services are centralized or departments merge.

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  People in the News
New Appointment to Lead Expansion in Asia-Pacific
Todd Hunt
VP and General Manager
Asia-Pacific Region
BlackLine Systems
Finance controls and automation software leader BlackLine has appointed Todd Hunt as vice president and general manager to oversee business expansion in the Asia-Pacific region (APAC).

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How Does eDiscovery Affect How We Save Our Information?


The Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) begins with a node titled Information Management, which recognizes the relationship between the normal information handling practices of an organization, and the impact those practices have on the electronic discovery process.

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  Success Story
Food Retailer Eradicates Manual Spreadsheets


Trintech, a leading global provider of integrated software solutions for the Last Mile of Finance, has released this case study illustrating how international food retailer Delhaize Group has implemented its AssureNET GL software for financial process compliance.

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